Friday, August 30, 2013

Night Time Routine

Our bedtime routine is always the same, we like it that way.  If something is out of order or missing, it seems harder for Lilly to get to sleep.  Each night, we read the Bible or a family devotional book together.  Next, we pray as a family - even our dear dog Lucy bows her head some nights. haha If Daddy is home with us, the Daddy/Daughter squeeze comes next.  Then, I get to snuggle up to my sweet girl in her bed and read her 1 or 2 books and sing her a few songs.  It is one of my favorite times of the day - usually full of giggles or telling about the best and worst part of our day. 

At the end, when I get up to leave her room she has started telling me, "Don't have scary dreams. If the bed bugs bite, take a shoe and beat them 'til their black and blue. I love you! Good Night!"

It is a sweet thing to hear before I head off to bed and it reminds me of what an awesome gift God gave my husband and I and it also reminds me to cherish these moments.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Little Funny

A few days ago, my husband and I were talking with Lilly about us coming to live with her when we got old.  We said that when she was grown and married and we were old and couldn't care for ourselves very well that we would come and stay with her. I mentioned some of the ways she might have to care for us - feeding us and wiping us when we went to the bathroom.  She stopped me after the wiping comment and said, "I think I will just leave that to my husband." 

Mark and I laughed so hard, but she didn't seem to get why that was so funny. 

So - to the man out there who is going to marry my daughter one day - be ready to care for her parents one day.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Prince Caspian

My daughter loves fantasy, imagination and anything along those lines.  When she walks into a room she doesn't see a couch and a chair she sees a boat and millions of bad guys coming after her.  A while back, we rented The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe because I thought she would really enjoy the movie.  Before watching it, I did tell her about the white witch and I told her that the good guys win in the movie so not to be scared if it looked like they were going to get hurt.  She loved the movie! 

We owned the second movie in the series - Prince Caspian, so we watched that one next.  She liked this one even more!  She started talking about Prince Caspian every where we went.  When we went to the pool, she gave the lifeguard googly eyes and told me he looked like Prince Caspian.  Oh brother! To be like Lucy, she wanted to make a dagger, so we did.


Last, we watched The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  This one she likes the most.  She has watched it 3 times now, I believe.  While at my mom's house, she checked it out from the library and sat by her Papaw during the movie telling him everything that was about to happen.  Lilly is obsessed with these movies. Thankfully, through each of the movies I am able to show her the correlation between Aslan and Jesus and Lilly gets it.  What a blessing!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Zip Line

My mom purchased a groupon for us to a place called 7 Acre Woods.  We had been before, but were excited to experience it again, this time my husband joined us on the adventure.  One of Lilly's friends also joined us. 

The girls had lots of fun feeding the animals and they were highly amused when the llama spit on my husband and I.  The smell was horrific just to let you know. Gross!

They rode on scooters.

Both girls were super excited about experiencing the zip line again because last time they were a little afraid.  This time, neither had any fear about zipping through the air.

Playing with puzzles in the cool lounge was nice while we waited for our food to be prepared.

Climbing the rock wall was also a huge hit for Lilly.

Thanks, Mom, for the opportunity to enjoy some fun out in God's creation!

Minty Fresh Leaves

We are members of a local home schooling group called HEART.  They organize lots of events for various age groups and chances for parents to get together. 

The most recent outing was to the Mercer Arboretum in Spring, TX.  We had been there many times, but we had never been on a tour.  It was exciting to see all the different kinds of flowers and plants there with a guide pointing them out. 

One of the first areas we explored was the herb garden. The children (and adults) were able to rub their fingers on the leaves and then smell them.  There were pepper mint leaves, thyme, cilantro, and even a choco-mint leaf that smelled just like a girl scout cookie.


All of the kids really enjoyed Storey Lake (which I did not know was there) - they were able to see the turtles and even spotted a snake on the walk back.

The weather was nice and just a great day to enjoy God's craftsmanship.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Family Retreat

Our church had a family retreat.  It was a great time to fellowship and the video series we watched was pretty much in line with a lot of other things I have been reading/studying lately which was cool!

Lilly was super excited that she was going to get to sleep on the top of a bunk bed.  Mommy was a little nervous about how she would do.  First night, she slept great, but I did not because I was worried about her waking up others or falling off of the bed.

 Second night, Lilly woke up because of  a scary dream and wanted to sleep in the bed with me.  I don't normally let her do that, but since we were in a strange place and I didn't want her waking up the whole room of ladies, I allowed it.  Wasn't that fun, sharing a twin bed with a 5 year old. haha

Another part of the retreat that was super exciting for Lilly was getting to play with friends - on the bunk beds, on the playground, wherever!  She enjoyed being around so many people all weekend long (another reason that I believe she would love to have siblings).

My favorite part of the weekend was on Saturday afternoon when Lilly and I grabbed a little snack and took a walk to the water's edge. It was such a beautiful day and we were able to enjoy God's creation and have a wonderful peaceful moment.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Breaking Tradition, but Keeping it the Same?

The passed several years, it has been our tradition to drive out to Brenham, Texas and stop off on the side of the road for some pictures in the blue bonnets and then head over to the Blue Bell factory for some yummy ice cream.



2011 - We missed the blue bonnets, but we still made it to Blue Bell for a tour and some yummy ice cream.



 Well, this year our friends who normally go with us were not able to drive with us, so we opted to do something different.

We found a place 5 minutes from our house that had some blue bonnets, so we drove over there and took some pictures.

Then, instead of Blue Bell, we headed over to Tutti Frutti for some frozen yogurt.

It wasn't exactly the same, but it was a memorable moment and we still got blue bonnet pictures. :)